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PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE - Fisheries and Aquaculture


Jeff Dorsey’s experience with fisheries goes back to 1985 when an agricultural credit survey in Malaysia was expanded to include fishermen as well as farmers.

For 20 years, Jeff has listened to fishermen and fish traders in ports around the world, to women drying fish on beaches in fishing villages, to owners of fish processing and fish meal plants, to fish farmers from backyard tilapia growers on three continents, and to large shrimp farmers from Honduras and Ecuador. He has learned to understand their problems and to find solutions adapted to unique local conditions. He finds ways to harness the energy and enthusiasm of fishermen, traders and processors, and combine them with financial resources of their own and those obtained from donors and commercial financial institutions. He helps them to develop unexploited resources, to reduce pressure on overexploited resources, to improve efficiency in capture, production and processing, and to move the products of fisheries and aquaculture to the market in ways that increase profit for targeted enterprises or groups of entrepreneurs.

His manual on fisheries credit written for FAO in the late 1980s and translated into French and Spanish, is still helping project managers design and run better credit programs for fishermen. More recently, Jeff has helped to design a number of credit programs for aquaculture, fisheries and fish processing from Latin America, to Africa and Asia. In addition to work with donor-funded projects, Jeff has worked with private clients on risk assessment and external financing for aquaculture projects.

14 September to 2009 to 13 September 2010
analyzing costs and income derived from the joint-production of irrigated rice and fish (tilapia and catfish). Results showed that the addition of fish to rice production doubles income without affecting rice yields.

14 September to 2009 to 13 September 2010
Financial Services Specialist, Mali , setting up a system to guarantee access to finance for farmers, women and their producer organizations, promoting value-chain and bonded warehouse financing, and designing a land payment system to provide beneficiaries of an irrigation project with titles to their land and improved access to medium-term finance.

7 January to the 15 October 2008
Team Leader in Ethiopia for the World Bank-financed “Tana Beles Growth Corridor Endowments, Potentials and Constraints” study for the Ministry of Water Resources analyzing growth based on the development of irrigation, hydropower, aquaculture and fisheries, marketing, finance, and agribusiness.

11 January to 22 March 2006 and June 10 to July 10 2006
Fisheries Economist, Indonesia assessing policies, strategies and subsidies in the marine and fisheries sector, defining investments promoting growth and achieving export potential.

1 to 23 February 2004
Rural Land Tenure/Agriculture Specialist, in Kosovo on an ARD team carrying out a study for USAID of land and property rights and their impact on economic development and finance for enterprises including agricultural crops (potatoes, vegetables, etc), dairy, and trout aquaculture and on improving property rights to increase the use of immoveable property as collateral for bank finance.

18 October 2003 to January 26 2004
Agricultural Economist, on an ARD team preparing an Agricultural Sector Assessment for USAID/Guinea, focusing on the contribution of the sector to poverty reduction. Responsible for preparing in-depth analysis of key agricultural sub sectors and identify their constraints, opportunities and potential interventions over the next five years. Work include in-depth studies of major crops such as cashews, oil palm, rice, irrigated dry season vegetables, marine and continental fisheries and aquaculture, and the marketing of fertilizer and other farm chemicals, and contributing to analysis of the financial sector and its support to agricultural marketing and production.

13 April 2002 to 13 June 2002
Marketing and Rural Enterprise Development Expert
, DFID-funded project for Teso and Lango farming systems (Soroti and Lira districts in northern Uganda), analyzing marketing and enterprise development constraints and identifying opportunities for new and existing crop and livestock activities and service sector businesses, with the aim of integrating this market-oriented focus into the research program of the National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO) and into the extension activities of the National Agricultural Advisory Service (NAADS) in its support formation and development of producer organizations, and of creating specialized competitive grant funds for marketing and enterprise development studies to encourage businesses to expand and to take advantage of the opportunities emerging in the regions.

January 29 to March 12, 2000
Senior Institutional Management Specialist, Egypt, assessing impacts of the research, design and implementation and the monitoring, verification and evaluation units on success of an agricultural policy reform program. The major focus of this program is on improving the regulatory environment and enabling rules and acts governing agribusinesses and exporters of Egyptian farm products, including aquaculture.

July 8 to August 9 & Sept. 20 to 17 October, 1998
Fisheries Credit Expert for FAO and Morocco's Office National de Pêche supporting expansion of the mutual loan guarantee system to cover remaining ports and increasing membership and raising system revenues.

November 3 to December 2, 1996
Artisanal Fisheries Credit & Financial Analyst analyzing informal credit and marketing systems for fishermen, women fish processors and fish traders for a JICA artisanal fisheries project on the north coast of Senegal. Credit for marketing and processing was emphasized.

25 August to 24 September 1995
Credit Consultant to GTZ-Malawi on designing a credit program for introduction of resource-conserving technology in lake fisheries and for financing a pond-culture production system for producing and marketing tilapia fish and dry-season vegetables.

16 May to 20 September 1995
Income-Generating Activities Expert, FAO evaluating markets of alternative agricultural and non-farm small businesses in fishing communities around Lake Malawi and Lake Malombe and designing a credit program to support their expansion. Profitability of sun-drying and salting fish for sale in Malawi and for border trade in processed fish to nearby Mozambique was analyzed.

April 1995
Research Analyst, for a private client carrying out a desktop study of commercial fishing in the Aegean Sea to help ensure secure routing of submarine cables and minimize damage from trawling.

25 September to 7 December 1994
Rural Credit Specialist, Burma for FAO designing a credit system for four FAO-implemented agro-forestry and agriculture projects to support farming, fishing, agricultural marketing and rural non-farm businesses, including small processing and trading enterprises of women.

11 May to 11 September 1994
Fisheries Economist, Mexico, FAO analyzing viability and investment in fish capture, processing and marketing in Mexican fisheries and aquaculture (including land-titling and credit for aquaculture projects). Macroeconomic factors affecting fisheries investment (including overvaluation of the currency) were highlighted three months prior to the devaluation of the peso. Economic and financial analysis of various types of fisheries and aquaculture activities was also carried out.

17 November to 15 December 1992 and 1-10 January 1993
Fisheries Credit Expert, Ecuador designing a credit component for a GTZ artisanal fisheries project, including support for fish-processing.

18 August to 5 November 1992
Fisheries Credit Expert, FAO, Pakistan analyzing market potential and finance for the fish capture, fish-processing and fish meal industries, with a major focus on export-markets.

4 April to 10 August 1992 and 8 August to 22 December 1991
Team Leader/ Agricultural Economist, Uganda funded by AfDB responsible for designing a national lending program for farmers, artisan al fishermen and other rural small businessmen and women.

20 October 1990 to 19 February 1991
Institutional analyst for USAID-funded agricultural sector assistance program in Zimbabwe, evaluating a commodity import program and the impact of individual rural development projects included artisanal fishing and fish processing financed by local currency revenues.

16 August to 16 October 1988
Author/Credit Expert, FAO, Rome writing a manual on managing credit components of artisanal fisheries projects.

July 1985 to August 1986
Agricultural Credit Expert, FAO, Malaysia, directing a survey of 2,000 small farmers and artisanal fishermen to assist the Malaysia's Agricultural Development Bank in improving its lending policies, procedures and loan recovery.
